Cochlear Implants & Solutions

Ear Specialists of Omaha provides compassionate care to children and adults with severe to profound hearing loss. The challenges of living with this condition leads to a stressful lifestyle for millions around the world. With the remarkable advancements in cochlear implants, there are now new possibilities for a brighter future. By using the latest cochlear implant technology, we aim to help our patients overcome challenges, reconnect with communication, and approach life with renewed confidence and optimism.

What Are Cochlear Implants?

Cochlear implants are tiny devices that can provide auditory stimulation to patients with severe to profound hearing loss. In situations where traditional hearing aids lack the power to improve hearing, cochlear implants may be the answer.

The cochlear implant consists of an external processor and an internal implant. The external processor of a cochlear implant captures sounds from the surroundings and converts them into digital signals. These signals are then sent to the internal implant, which stimulates the auditory nerve, bypassing damaged hair cells in the cochlea. This process helps individuals with profound hearing loss understand speech better to improve their quality of life. In cases where a hearing aid is seen as a temporary fix due to its limitations, a cochlear implant is often seen as the definitive solution.

Cochlear Implants and Our Team

Dr. Thedinger’s involvement in pioneering cochlear implant innovations since 1992 has been instrumental in the advancements of this technology. His team’s work has resulted in over 1500 successful implantations at the clinic, demonstrating the effectiveness of these devices. Despite the technological progress, the focus remains on tailoring each treatment plan to the individual to ensure the best possible outcomes. This personalized approach is a key factor in the high success rates of cochlear implant treatments.

Collaborations with leading implant manufacturers like Cochlear, Med-El and Advanced Bionics Corporations have helped translate evaluation data into comprehensive health plans that enhances patient care. Cochlear implants have also shown significant success in children with severe hearing loss, highlighting their effectiveness across age groups.

The Approval Process

There are several steps to getting approved for cochlear implants. Following an initial evaluation with the audiologist to determine candidacy, potential candidates undergo a comprehensive assessment process. This evaluation includes a thorough review of medical history, detailed hearing tests and in-depth discussions regarding current hearing needs and expectations. Once all necessary information is gathered and the patient is deemed eligible, approved candidates can proceed to schedule their next appointment for the surgical procedure. This comprehensive approach ensures that each patient receives personalized care and support tailored to their unique circumstances, setting the stage for a successful cochlear implant journey.